A workplace injury can be very stressful. A work injury may affect your family, your finances, overall health and well-being. Connect with a doctor who understands the workers compensation system that can provide all the information a patient needs to file his or her claim.
Workers' Compensation will pay an injured employee's medical expenses including lost wages. Call 888 760 0888 to get help filing your workers' compensation claim.
If you are injured on the job, you must follow these simple steps:
OBTAIN first aid or other necessary medical treatment as soon as possible. The treating health care provider must be authorized by the Workers' Compensation Board, except in an emergency situation. Participating employers are required to notify their employees, in writing, of all information pertaining to a PPO or ADR program. Also, if you are in need of diagnostic tests or prescription medicine, your employer or your workers' compensation insurance carrier may require you to obtain your tests or your medicine from a diagnostic network or designated pharmacies or a network of pharmacies they have contracted with. It is required that you receive written notice if you are required to utilize a diagnostic network or designated pharmacies or a network of pharmacies.
The cost of necessary medical services is paid by your employer or your employer's insurance carrier, if the case is not disputed. Health care providers may request that injured workers sign form A-9. This form is meant to provide notice to the injured worker that he or she may be responsible to pay the medical bills if the Workers' Compensation Board disallows the claim or the injured worker does not pursue the claim.
NOTIFY your supervisor about the injury and the way in which it occurred, as soon as possible. An injured employee who fails to inform his or her employer, in writing, within 30 days after the date of the accident causing the injury, may lose the right to workers' compensation benefits. In the case of occupational disease, notification should be given within two years after disablement, or within two years after the claimant knew or should have known that the disease was work-related, whichever is later).
COMPLETE a claim for workers' compensation on Form C-3 and mail it to the nearest office of the Workers' Compensation Board, if there is lost-time. If a claim is not filed within two years from the date of the injury or disablement from an occupational disease, (or after disablement and after you knew, or should have known that the disease was work-related), you may lose your right to benefits.
Follow doctor's instructions to speed full recovery.
Attend an Independent Medical Examination if you are required to do so.
Go back to work as soon as you are able.
Attend such hearings as may be held in the case, when you are notified to appear.
Complete the web version of the Employee Claim (C-3) form or download/print the .PDF from the link below.